Welcome to Chaos

Hi y’all! My name is Annie Goble, flower farmer extraordinaire. Jokes, I am actually a first time flower farmer if you could even call it that. I am growing these flowers from seed on a hope, a prayer, and YouTube videos. I am actually a nurse that wished that she took agriculture classes in college instead of anatomy. My triple H (hot, handy, husband) and I have decided to start Annie B’s Farm, because we want to. Again, between the both of us the only farming experience we have is Zack helping out at Allen Hay Farms in high school, so this will be a piece of cake. Zack told me that I should make these blog posts to show everyone how everything is going and get people interested in our farm. So here it is, I am going to state now that I will be straight with y’all just like I am with the people I take care of – no bsing, I do not care if I make grammatical mistakes (sorry Zack), and I will write like I speak.

We are fortunate enough to have been able to purchase a property that will allow us to harvest hopefully a truckload of flowers (please God) and live on with our babies – Belle and Prince. Zack, the doggos and I are chopping at the bit to start planting, but we are having to stay patient with the timing of planting the flowers. In particular, I blame Google for telling me the last frost is April the 15th… Zack then told me the last frost was actually March 6th if you looked on the real Farmer’s Almanac. So now we are late with planting kinda. My seeds are not ready to go in the ground yet, but hopefully soon! Which is a whole other can of fish to think about with the tilling, soil, and compost. To till or not to till, that is the question? Currently, my greenhouse is almost filled up with my zinnias, aster, carnations, dahlias, celosia, and strawflowers. I am about to plant my sunflowers (there are so many). Our soil sample results are coming back soon so we will see if there is more that we have to do there. All and all, there it is. Thank you Zackery for being my person, I love you and I hope when you read this you do not freak out about my grammatical errors.